The "NO PARKING" and "NO LAKE ACCESS FOR NON-RESIDENTS" signs are on order and should be installed soon. There still remains a "No Parking" sign at Vista and Swan which means vehicles parking there will receive a warning card for the first offense. License plates are recorded and a second offense will result in having the offender's vehicle towed by G & K Towing on Tandberg Trail in Windham. 


The Board of Directors has created a warning card for all non-deeded residents that use the boat launch without permission. This is an ongoing problem during the summer months and the stress on the soil adds wear and tear to an an area we are responsible for maintaining. Any vehicles and/or trailer parked illegally on Swan and Vista will receive a warning card. The license will be recorded. The next time the vehicle and or/or boat trailer are parked in this vicinity they will be towed at the owner's expense. 




April 25, 2016

Dear Resident,

On behalf of the new Road Association Board of Directors, we would like to extend warm greetings to all of the residents of North Highland Lake. A special thanks is extended to the previous Board for their long service to the community. We are working to improve communication and resolve some of the remaining concerns posed by the community in the past. We are also excited to introduce you to the changes we have implemented this year and our goals for the future. 

Beginning this month we have launched our new website: The impetus for creating the website was the result of the NHLRA Boards’ desire to create a more cohesive and integrated neighborhood where residents are able to have a voice in matters affecting the community.

Our website includes up-to-date information on road work, news, expenditures, by-laws and government websites that detail guidelines for road associations. It also has a link to our anonymous SURVEY that, once completed, will send the information directly to the Board. We want to hear what you have to say and would appreciate your participation. You’ll find the link in several areas throughout the site, including the black banner at the top of every page. Just click on the bar and you’ll be routed directly to our survey page.  

Another feature of our website is the ‘TAKE ACTION’ tab. Click on the tab and you’ll find a new way to pay your yearly dues. NHLRA now accepts PayPal, which includes all major credit cards. PayPal helps the Board keep current payment records and all dues are deposited directly in the NHLRA account. You may also pay by mailing your check to PO BOX 513, Windham, 04062. Your dues allows us to protect our roads by keeping them free of potholes, ice heaves, and lumps and bumps. We also protect Highland Lake by preventing run-off from the roads which puts oil and other contaminants in the water. 

Dues are assigned according to plots. If a resident or tenant lives on the property any part of the year, then he/she should pay dues. Empty plots or plots used for gardening are not required to pay dues.

Under the ‘ABOUT’ tab we have included our BLOG. This is where you’ll find current information on road conditions, expenditures and what we have achieved in 2016. Beginning May 31, we will provide you with a quarterly review of the Board’s endeavors, including a full accounting of the NHLRA budget. This information will appear in the BLOG section of our website. This information will also be available at our yearly meeting in June. 

This area of the website also includes contact information for the Board and our email address link: This email box is checked on a regular basis.

Other features of the website include the facts, history and photos of Highland Lake. You are invited to submit your photos for our two galleries: Highland Lake Vista and Highland Lake in the Past. Send your image to or contact Julia Ellsworth to have your photo scanned. We hope that you enjoy our first NHLRA website!

Attached is your yearly road association bill. Please help us keep the roads in good shape. If you have any questions, do no hesitate to reach out to us. Please know that by paying your dues you are not only benefiting your own property, but helping the entire NHLRA community.

Residents are also reminded to drive slowly and have extra patience on our roads as speeding kicks up gravel and dirt, damages road surfaces and presents a safety hazard to pedestrians. To improve road conditions in the future, the Board would like to establish a separate fund to eventually pave each road in the NHLRA area. This will decrease maintenance fees significantl

Thank you for your consideration and active participation in maintaining the quality of life here in our North Highland Lake community. We look forward to seeing you on June 26, 2016 at 1:00 PM for the annual meeting. The location will be announced on our website at a later date


Mike Reid. Julia Ellsworth

NHLRA President Treasurer

Note: A bill for road association dues was mailed to all 58 residents on April 30, 2016. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the treasurer, Julia Ellsworth at (207) 205-4979.